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                                    A trust would be formed and the beneficiary of the trust would be a society set up exclusively for promoting the objectives of the trust and the two would run in tandem. PVG Raju decided to name both the Trust and the Society in the memory of his late father - the Maharaja Alak Narayan Society of Arts and Science (MANSAS).One principle PVG Raju was very clear about right from the inception was that the rule of male primogeniture would also be followed in institutions that were being set up. This was in line with the rule of succession followed in the Vizianagaram Samasthanam. This rule of male primogeniture is very similar to the concept of jeshta putrudu followed in Indian society %u2013 which says that the eldest male progeny gets a bigger share along with the responsibility to fulfil obligations relating to the larger family. The legacy of the Vizianagaram zamindari would be carried forward in the sense that the eldest male lineal descendant would become the Chairman of the Trust and all existing and future institutions would function under the umbrella of the Society. The Chairman of the Trust is also the President of the Society, and the relationship is so tight-knit that the Trust functions as a wrapper around the Society, which executes its objectives.Both the Trust and the Society had the same objective which was simple and straightforward - to promote and advance the cause of education in general and in particular higher education in arts, literature, science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, pharmacy, technology, industries, oriental studies, music and other fine arts.Having set up this structure he then made the momentous decision to endow the bulk of his inheritance - 94 
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